Shipping + Handling


Shipping Return
Orders Under $80 Orders  $80 or More Orders Under $80

Orders $80 or More

Continental US US $10 Free Customers are responsible for return shipping costs. Free returns within 14 days of delivery date.
Canada CAN $10 Free Customers are responsible for return shipping costs. Free returns within 14 days of delivery date.
Alaska/Hawaii/Puerto Rico/Guam US $35
US $35
Customers are responsible for return shipping costs.
Customers are responsible for return shipping costs.
International US $35
US $35
Customers are responsible for return shipping costs.
Customers are responsible for return shipping costs.


How are estimated delivery dates calculated?

You'll see an estimated delivery date during the checkout process before you place your order, and in the details of your order confirmation. We calculate delivery estimates by taking the estimated shipping date and adding the transit time based on the shipping method you've chosen. Since transit time is calculated using business days, Saturday and Sunday don't count toward the transit time (unless we've specifically offered a weekend delivery during checkout).

Do you ship to an APO/FPO/DPO address?

Yes, we can ship to an APO/FPO/DPO address. However, transit times for these addresses can take up to 45 business days.

What do I do if my tracking says my order has been delivered and I have not received my package?

Oh no! Please CONTACT US within 14 days of the delivery date so we can investigate further.

Do you ship to P.O. boxes or rural zip codes?

Yes, but we cannot guarantee expedited or overnight deliveries to P.O. boxes or rural zip codes—selecting standard shipping is the way to go.

Please note that if you have a US rural address, you’ll be unable to order hazardous materials including aerosols.